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What is Web Spam and Types of Web Spams that Google Consider

As per a report from Google, millions of web pages are created in a day, which is either useless or just created from the motive to get ranking soon in the SERPS which are known as web spams and are off against the google publisher guidelines. Although, every search engine has their own guidelines to judge the spam like Yahoo has their policies for web spam which are defined in Universal Anti-Spam Policy and for the Bing they are defined in Bing’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Now, as you know what is web spam and what are policies of different search engines against this, we have defined some most important types of web spams that Google considers are the worst and should be a cause for penalty. Because, this is bad for search on the grounds that pertinent sites get buried, and it’s bad for authentic site owner on the grounds that their destinations get to be harder to discover in the SERP’s. The uplifting news is that Google’s calculations can recognize the larger part of spam and downgrade it consequently. For the rest, they have groups who physically audit sites.

Types of Web Spams that Google Consider

Here is a list of most common web spams or we say the ones from which Google detects and take action on.

  • Cloaking and/or Sneaky Redirects This type of web spam includes the sites that seem to be cloaking (showing distinctive substance to human clients than is demonstrated to web crawlers) or diverting clients to an alternate page that Google saw.
  • Pure spam This type of web spam downvote the websites which are using aggressive spamming techniques to make their web pages rank sooner in the search results pages like automatically generated gibberish, cloaking, scraping content from other websites. Not only this, this type of web spam also target those websites which are kept on violating the Google Webmasters Guidelines and considered under a Manual Action.
  • Unnatural Links FROM a Site Google distinguished an example of unnatural, fake, tricky or manipulative outbound links on this site. This may be the consequence of offering connections that pass PageRank or taking part in link schemes. And, if this is caught by google crawlers then a heavy Penguin Penalty can be caused.
  • Hacked Sites This is a very major problem and can be a cause for a penalty, because this is something not in your hand and if your web pages are hacked by a third party and they started to display spammy content, then your whole website can get penalized if you have not taken immediate actions to clean the website and fix any security vulnerabilities.
  • Spammy Free Hosts and Dynamic DNS Providers This is very important because I have seen many websites that take free hosting services but they are not aware of this, that free hosting is not really a good thing to go with if you are running your business online and looking to get more clients from it. Because these free hosting service providers have a significant fraction of spammy content which can act as a leg pulling thing. So never go for them and try to get hosting from relevant and trusted Hosting service providers.
  • Unnatural Links TO a Site The crawlers of Google and that much of capable to identify the pattern of inbound and outbound links from a site or to a website which seems to be unnatural, artificial, deceptive or manipulative links and the major changes of this kind of links on your website can be because of buying links that pass the link juice and the ones which are participating in link schemes.
  • Hidden text and/or keyword stuffing Hidden text and keyword stuffing is the most common problem which the fighters against the web spam face and this spam include those web pages which are using hidden text or are using /repeating the same keyword again and again in the content of that page in order to get good rankings in a short time. Google and other search engines are strictly against it and are keeping on taking actions to down vote those kinds of web pages regularly.
  • Thin content with little or no added value This type of web spam includes a website which contains low quality content which is of no use for the searchers, because if a user is not able to get what he is looking for then what is the use of a search engine and these types of web pages include those websites which are running affiliate programs, type of a doorway page, cookie cutter sites and the ones with copied content.
  • User Generated Spam:- User-generated spam is a type of web spam which is generally seen in the written on public forums, the comment section of website/blog, Guestbook pages or user profiles. If your site has too much user-generated spam on it, that can affect google’s assessment of the site, which may eventually result from them to take manual action on the whole site.

Some examples of spammy user-generated content include:

  • Spammy accounts on free hosts
  • Spammy posts on forum threads
  • Comment spam on blogs

Parked Domains

Domain parking refers to the registration of an internet domain name without that domain being associated with any services such as e-mail or a website. This may have been done with a view to reserving the domain name for future development, and to protect against the possibility of cybersquatting. – Source.

These are the places with little unique content on the web and google doesn’t consider them into the search results and make sure they are not getting indexed in their servers and this is not done manually by them because their algorithms are advanced enough to identify the parked domains and prevent them from getting index.

Below is an image that shows the proven results of how Google constantly work on their search engine to offer a great user experience of the web around the globe and that’s why this is the most popular and usable search engine worldwide

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